Home Learning, Week 3, Day 1 20th April

Date: 20th Apr 2020 @ 12:42pm

Hello Year 1 and a very good morning to you all!

I hope that you have had a peaceful Easter with your lovely family, enjoying precious times together.

Did you know that today is the first day of the Summer term?  Therefore, we are now back online with the daily blog, giving you tasks to complete at home as part of your home learning as well as setting you little challenges along the way.

So...first thing to do is to remind you about the importance of daily reading.  How many of you are reading everyday?  Are you reading independently?  Maybe you have sat with your brother or sister and read together?  Either way, you need to make sure that you are reading everyday and keep practising those tricky words. yes

Today, I have set you a few new tasks to do on  Purple Mash.  There is Chapter 2 of the story you read before Easter called Anna and the 3rd Leaf along with some tasks to complete.  Good luck with that!  Also, I thought it would be nice to hear about your time spent with family over the Easter break and have therefore set a diary entry task for you to complete. 

That should be enough for now but if you wanted a little extra task, this Thursday is St George's Day; maybe you could find out who St George was and why it is a special day in the calendar year....?

Until tomorrow, keep smiling, keep working hard and don't forget to get outside in this lovely weather for some playing or bit of exercise.  

Mrs Taylor smiley x