Home Learning Week 3 - Thursday

Date: 23rd Apr 2020 @ 11:24am

Good morning Reception smiley

It is another beautiful and sunny day today, we really are very lucky! 

Have you all had some fun practising your sounds. I'm sure all your grown up's are amazed at how many sounds you all know, and i'm sure they are all extra amazed at how many sounds you can write! Keep up the good work. 

Special sound of the Day

Todays 'special sound' is.....ee

There is a lovely lady who can help us practise our special sounds every day on youtube. I think it would be a good idea to watch her and keep practising your sounds. She even has a little friend, he's called Fred. You will love him, he's just like wise owl from Reception. Here is todays link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ISWQ0OTGCY

If you want to practise writing our 'special sound', there is an extra video to help you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-furKpAodc


Can you learn about the number 12? What do you know about the number 12? Here is an episode of Numberblocks to help you find out all about the number 12.


Can you write the number? Can you count 12 objects? Can you split 12 objects into 2 groups? One group of 10 and one group of 2? (12 is 10 and 2)

Dinosaur time!!!

Do you have a book with a dinosaur character at home? Can you read it, with your family? Don't worry if you don't have a dinosaur book. I have found a lovely story you can share with your family. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5sh5r04r80 I hope you enjoy this book.

While you are spending time outside today in this beautiful weather, why don't you take a minute to relax. Lie on your back and look up at the clouds, with your family. Can you spot any clouds that look like a dinosaur? Do they have long tails or spikes? Can you describe them to your family? You could ask your family to join in. Who can spot the most dinosaurs?

Have a lovely day Reception and I will write to you all tomorrw.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x