Home Learning Week 3 - Friday

Date: 24th Apr 2020 @ 10:04am


Good morning Reception smiley

How are you feeling today? I hope you are all happy and ready for a day of fun!

Do you know what day it is today? Sing our days of the week song with your grown up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HtQcnZ2JWsY I bet you are all missing my lovely singing voice, aren't you?! Hehe wink

It's FRIDAY!!! On friday in school we always practise our tricky words. I hope you can all remember them. Here is a link to our tricky word songs. Don't let them trick you! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R087lYrRpgY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvMyssfAUx0

Can you all remember spooooooky spellings? Have a go at playing with your family. Who can spell the most spooky spellings? http://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/spookySpellings/index.html


Can you learn about the number 13? What do you know about the number 13? This episode of numberblocks will help you a little bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Np24uSP7TP0 
Can you practise writing the number 13? Remember, you don't have to practise with pen and paper. Have any of you been practising writing in an exciting way? I would love to see a photo, if you have. After that can you practise counting out 13 objects? Can you split them into a group of 10 and a group of 3? (13 is 10 and 3)

Dinosaur time!

Did you spot a cloud in the sky that looked like a dinosaur? I did! I saw a dinosaur who had an extremely long neck and a long tail. It also had four legs. Can you guess what kind of dinosaur it was? Have a guess and I will tell you all the answer on Monday smiley

If you have some playdough or some empty boxes, you could have a go at making your own dinosaur. You could even paint one. You could use a book or a toy to help you make it. You could even search the internet with a grown up, to look at pictures of dinosaurs. Please remember to stay safe on the internet. Remember 'Smartie the Penguin' says "Think, think, think before you click, click, click".

I would love to see some more pictures of all the fun you have been having. I am missing your smiley little faces, and I am missing hearing about all your adventures. If you have anything you would like to show me or tell me, ask your grown up to send a litte email into school.  stmaryrcbp@sthelens.org.uk 

Have a lovely day Reception, spend lots of time outside in the sunshine. I will write to you all next week. 

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x