Home Learning, Week 2 Day 5

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 1:45pm

Hello Year 1 and Happy Friday to you all!

I apologise that my blog is a little late today.  It's been my final day in school for a couple of weeks and we have been so busy finishing off all of our rainbow art work along with designing and creating targets for our Nerf session in school this afternoon.

So...how are you all feeling at the end of your second week of home learning?  I hope that you are all feeling happy and proud of the work that you have done over the past two weeks.  I have really enjoyed looking at all the different tasks you have completed and have also been delighted with the work that has started to be sent to the school email address.  A BIG shout out today to Ewan for his brilliant comic strip story and book review that he emailed to school this morning. yes  Mrs Hymers has put a picture of it on this week's newsletter so have a look if you get the chance!

I also wanted to let you know that after today, Mrs Duffy and I will not be blogging for a couple of weeks as we end the spring term today and enter into (what would be) the two week Easter break.  During this time we will not set any new work for you to do as such but obviously want you continue with your daily reading, which will enable you to continue to progress to become the very best reader that you cam be! .I was thrilled to listen to Theo read in school this morning and Jude has been reading every day too.  Lucas and Penny from Year 1 have also been working hard on their packs and Alife Baker has been joining us in the afternoons where he has enjoyed joining in with art activities and this afternoon's NERF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I am sure you have been just as busy at home and making your mummies and daddies proud!

Thinking about Easter, I would like you to take a bit of time over the next week to think about the true meaning of Easter.  You can do this by watching short videos for children online: https://www.bbc.co.uk/cbeebies or by maybe looking in your children's bible and discussing this with your family.  It is important for us to stop and think about the sacrifice which Jesus made for us, rather than just focusing on the chocolates eggs and gifts we may receive. 

We are going through rather a strange time right now but it is also a time when we can spend time with the people we love; our loving families.  Play games together, snuggle up on the settee and watch your favourite film or even do some baking together.  Whatever it is, have fun and enjoy.  I know that with my own family we are all usually in such a rush to get things done and get to places on time, so it is nice to slow down a little and spend more time together. heart

Well, I am going to sign off now as I need to get outside to see how the Nerf teams are getting on and which team is scoring the most points with the targets they have made!

So take care Year 1 and your lovely families, keep smiling and above all stay safe.

Lots of love, Mrs Taylor x  smiley 

Your little family