Home Learning, Week 2, Day 4

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 11:36am

Good morning Year 1 and a big HELLO from myself and the children at school with me today, especially our Year 1 friends Jude, Lucas, James and Penny!

How are you all feeling today?  I hope that you are happy and well and have started the day with some sort of physical exercise.  Another great way to start the day is with a good sing!  Of course I would say that, as someone who LOVES singing.  Singing is good for lifting spirits, lifting your mood and generally making you feel energised and ready for anything.  So find a good song and SING!

How are you all getting on with your home learning, Year 1?  Today, I want to talk to you about reading.  Do you know that on Purple Mash there is a section called Serial Mash?  I have set you a ToDo called Anna and the Third Leaf.  There is a chapter of the story to read (either on your own or with an adult) and then a couple of questions to answer and some missing words to find.  I  hope you enjoy it! 

I will sign off now as I am about to start some rainbow weaving with the children here in school....there are colours everywhere!  

Take care, work hard and keep having fun!

Mrs Taylor smiley x