Home Learning, Week 2 Day 3

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 11:26am

Good Morning Year 1 and a BIG hello from all the children in school with me today (particularly Theo, Jude and Lucas from Year 1!) smiley

I hope that you are all enjoying week 2 of your home learning and are feeling proud of any work you have done.  I noticed that some of you have begun completing the diary task I have set for you on Purple Mash.  If you haven't already had a go then please do...it's a great way of practising your sentence writing.  I look forward to reading them.

Have you started your day today with some physical exercise?  Joe Wicks seems to be very popular but don't forget there are other ways of exercising.  Did any of you try the round-robin of activities yesterday?  Who managed to skips for 20 seconds?  Did anyone manage it for longer?  Another idea would be to practise ball skills.  You could have a go at throwing and catching with a family member.....but mind those windows!!! wink

Today, we are painting at school. We are thinking about rainbows and the beautiful colours that make a rainbow.  Maybe you'd like to be creative today and do some art.  We are playing our favourite songs as we paint and are feeling very very relaxed. heart

Did anyone notice the extra ToDo I put on Purple Mash yesterday, asking you to design a poster about the importance of staying home to stay safe?  Make it bright and colourful!  I cannot wait to see them.

I had better dash off now as I think it's my turn to choose a song.......how will I EVER choose? surprise

Take care, keep smiling and happy hump day....Wednesday is the half-way hump to the weekendsmiley

Mrs Taylor x laughRainbow Art Projects Kids LOVE (and Rainbow Crafts, Too ...