Home Learning Week 2 Day 3

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 11:21am

Good Morning Year 3

Well you have certainly taken up my challenge on Times Tables Rock Stars and you are really out to beat me!angry

A big well done to Addie, Olivia M, Max, Thomas D, Louie, Molly, Tyler, Harriet, Evan, Liam, Heidi, Annabel, Harrison, Joseph, Sophia and Harry who are all working together as Team Year 3 to battle against me. COME ON THE REST OF YOU - JOIN IN THE BATTLE!

A big shout out to Heidi, Harriet, Harry and Joseph who are my times table superstars today. 

Have a look to see which Rock Star is at the top of the Leaderboard - it's Count Rocky McRockface - who happens to be mecheeky Miss Gradwell is hot on my heels. Can any of Y3 make it onto the overall leaderboard? 

Two more days to go until we break up for Easter. I won't blog over the Easter Holidays as you are all officially on holiday and deserve a well earned rest. You can have a break from your school work and just have fun - but remember to stay safe. 

After Easter, the hard work starts again and I'll be back in touch to see how you are all getting on.

Don't forget the 2Do on Purple Mash. You only have until Friday to complete it.

Speak tomorrow. I'm off to battle you all laugh

Mrs Hymers