Home Learning, Week 2 Day 2

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 8:40am

Good Morning Year 1!

Well, day 2 of week 2 is here and it's looking a little grey and chilly outside today, so maybe you'll be spending most of your time today indoors?  Whatever you get up to, remember daily reading is so important.  I wonder what books you have read whilst learning at home?  Have you ever built a den and made it all cosy and snuggly for reading in?  Maybe you'd like to try this? (Sorry, parents!) 

Have any of you tried any land art yet?  Don't forget that you can email any photos you take to the school email address and I will upload them onto the website.  Andy Goldsworthy used natural objects from the environment so your gardens would be a perfect place to find these.  You can create patterns or try and make a 3D sculpture.  It's entirely up to you.  Here are some photos below to inspire you:

2MG Art Inspired by Andy Goldsworthy – Lickey Hills Primary School ...Andy Goldsworthy - Natural Art Sculptures | Teaching Resources

I mentioned yesterday about completing a diary using Purple Mash.  I'm looking forward to reading them, so get them finished and uploaded.  Don't forget to 1,2,3 CHECK!  

Also, a couple of other ideas for your home learning:

Carol Vorderman's Maths Website - www.themathsfactor.com

Games - www.ictgames.co.uk

Reading - www.oxfordowl.co.uk

Phonics - www.phonicsplay.co.uk

My own children have really enjoyed baking whilst we have been learning from home.  Is this something that you have enjoyed?  If not, challenge yourself to bake something delicious for the family.  Little sponge cakes might be a nice idea or even rice crispie cakes.  You'll need an adult to help you but I'm sure Mummy or Daddy won't mind (tell them they can lick the spoon!) wink

Well, I'm off now to have a look at more of the wonderful work you've been uploading.  It brings such joy to my day knowing that you are working hard so well done Year 1.  Keep it up!  yes

Until tomorrow, take care and have a lovely Tuesday. 

Mrs Taylor x