Home Learning Week 2 Day 2

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 8:18pm


Did you have a busy day yesterday? Well today I've set you a times tables challenge on Rock Stars. I've set a tournament up between the teachers and Y3!  Who will win?   The teachers of course cheeky

Are you brave enough to take the teachers on? Simply log onto Rock Stars - select Tournaments and Battle of the Bands and you will see the challenge all set up and ready for you. Have a go. Work together as a class to beat the teachers. 

My current record is 41 questions in 1 min with an average response time of 1.46 seconds. Can you beat me? I can see that Joseph has already answered my call to battle. Bring in on Joseph laugh

How are you getting on with the 2Do that I set you on Purple Mash yesterday? I am really looking forward to reading your work.  You may also find that the 2Do helps you with your project on the Ancient Greeks. 

A shout out to Evan who has completed a piece of work on Zeus. I have responded to your work Evan.

This is the last week before Easter half term. Try to work hard this week so that you can have a 2 week break just like you would have done if school was open as usual.

Please do read every day and learn your times tables. 

Speak to you all tomorrow

Mrs Hymers