Home Learning, Week 2 Day 1

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 11:40am

Good Morning Year 1

Week 2 is Here!

I hope that you have all had a restful weekend with your lovely families and are ready for week 2 of home learning.

Firstly, I really enjoyed looking at all the work you completed on Purple Mash last week.  It made me very proud to see how hard you are working and I really hope you were able to read some of the comments that I put about your ideas and sentence writing.  Keep it up! 

So...this week I will be telling you about different websites that you can do work from but the first thing to mention today is the diary template in 2Publish Plus on Purple Mash.  It is a superb program which helps to develop your keyboard skills as well as practising spelling.  When you are planning your writing don't forget to sing our little song to remind yourself of those all important things: "capital letters, finger spaces, full stops, we are now using conjunctions and adjectives."  Sing this to Mummy or Daddy and tell them how it helps us to make our writing be the very best it can be!  Also, remember to 1,2,3 CHECK! yes cool

Physical exercise is a really important part of the day so remember to fit that in too!  Maybe you enjoy following a given programme like Joe Wicks on Youtube or if you fancy something a bit different you could set up a round-robin of activities in your garden which you could do repetitive sets of.  For example, 20 seconds of hula hooping, 20 seconds of bouncing a ball, 20 seconds of star jumps and 20 seconds of skipping (or jumping if you can't yet skip!)  Whatever you choose...HAVE FUN!

A big shout out to Scarlett this morning who has emailed some lovely photos, showing me the different activities she has been getting up to at home.  Feel free to send any in, if you can.  I will try and upload them onto the website.

I am going to sign off now Year 1 and have a hunt for some great websites for you to enjoy...I'll blog again in the morning.

Until then, have a lovely happy Monday, work hard, play hard and keep smiling. laugh

Mrs Taylor smiley x