Home learning Week 2 - Monday 30th March

Date: 30th Mar 2020 @ 11:28am

Morning, everyone!


It is the start of a brand new week. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Are you all keeping safe? 

As today is a new week, it is a great time to start fresh and do something new: being away from school is a perfect opportunity to learn something new and challenge yourself. I myself have decided to try something new and teach myself a new skill. Let's have some fun- see if you can guess what I will be learning. I will post a little clue each day so you can play along. If you think you might know the answer, email me via Purple Mash or send an email to our school email address. 

As it is Monday, it is the start of a new school week. As such, you should be trying to complete at least 2 pages of maths and SPaG in your home learning booklets each day. Also, don't forget to keep reading daily, too. There are plenty of books on Serial Mash that you can enjoy. There is something for everyone! Use the questions from my last blog on Friday to get parents to quiz you after reading. It is important that you understand what you read and that you can answer questions about it. 

Although today isn't sunny, it is still important to get active. Joe Wicks and Oti Mabuse are continuing to offer their skills via classes on YouTube, but there are lots of other ways you can be active too. You could try skipping, hula hooping, cycling or dancing. Getting active is good for your body and mind. 

I will be in touch again tomorrow. In the meantime, keep working hard and keep smiling.


Mrs Naylor  laugh