Home Learning Week 2 - Day 2

Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:07am

Good morning Reception smiley

I hope you all had a wonderful day yesterday!! I am really enjoying reading some emails that have been sent into school. Reading about what you have all been getting up to puts a big smile on my face. It sounds like you are all working hard and having a fantastic time learning from home. 

A big well done for teaching your monsters to read, you are all fantastic teachers for your little monsters.

I have two maths challenges for you today. Are you up for the challenge? I know you can all do it!

Use some chalk to measure how tall you are on an outside wall. Ask your brothers, sisters, or grown up to measure how tall they are too. Who is the tallest? Who is the shortest? Is anyone the same height as somebody else?

Ask a grown-up to draw a spotty snake. How many spots does it have? Can you count them? Can you draw a snake that has one less spot?

Did you all do a book hunt yesterday? Did you find a book with an elephant in? I did, it was my 'Elmer' book. Can you remeber reading 'Elmer' in school? It's such a lovely story, Can you remember when Miss Davies, Miss Parr and I all wore an Elmer mask? That was a fun day. 

For all my little crafty fingers out there, if you have an empty milk bottle at home why not have a go at turning it into an elephant like 'Elmer'. Heres a little crafty video to help you out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eub7Pe6DZIc 

 If you don't have an empty bottle at home, you could have a go at making an elephant mask. You could even retell the story of 'Elmer' to your family. If you can't remember the story, here is a link to remind you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XGzgu0nUYRo

I'll finish with an elephant song for all my little singers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJonGSbUWXE

Have a fantastic, fun filled day. I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x