Home Learning Week 14 - Monday

Date: 20th Jul 2020 @ 7:49am

Good morning Reception smiley

I hope that you all have had a lovely weekend. Today starts the countdown to the end of the school year - 3 days to go! Can you believe it? Let's get ready for Year 1 laugh


Story Of The Week

Our story this week is called 'The Cautious Caterpillar'. It is about a little caterpillar who doesn't want to become a butterfly. I think you will really enjoy this story. Get cosy with your grown up, settle down and listen carefully. Enjoy! Click on the file below to read the story.


Old Class, New Class

As you are getting ready to leave Reception and start Year 1, think about all the things you have enjoyed about Reception. For today's writing activity, can you write about what you enjoyed most in Reception and what you are looking forward to doing in Year 1. Year 1 is so much fun, you are really going to enjoy it!



I have attached a fun maths activity book to today's blog! It has lots of fun activites for you to work through at home. I wonder which activity you will enjoy the most?


Have a lovely day Reception, I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x




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