Home Learning, Week 13, Tuesday 14th July

Date: 14th Jul 2020 @ 8:08am

Good morning to you all, Year 1!

How are you feeling today?  Did your parents read your reports yesterday?  If so, I hope they shared lots of positive things from your report (which I am sure they did).  Did they also tell you who your teachers are next year?  You may already have worked this out for yourself but Mrs Talbot-Davies will be with you from Monday - Thursday morning and then Mrs Ryan on a Thursday afternoon and all day Friday.  How exciting is that?  You will all be shining stars in Year 2 because of how hard you have worked in Year 1.  No doubt some of you will be feeling a little nervous and unsure but this is completely normal and you will be just fine! yes  You will only be next door to us and you will still be seeing me every Wednesday morning for our Music lesson!  I cannot wait! 

music | PAMIS






Today's Home Learning:

Have you started your new home learning booklet which I uploaded yesterday?  Do not forget that it's divided into sections for each day.  Yesterday, you should have completed Monday's section so now today, obviously, you will complete the section for Tuesday.  smiley

Creative Writing:

Have you chosen your writing challenge yet from the selection of cards that I uploaded yesterday?  I asked you to choose the one which most appealed to you then you would enjoy writing about it.  It is all about trying to make you writing as interesting as possible, using lots of adjectives and working on your stamina.  Mrs Talbot-Davies also loves to see lots of punctuation so don't forget those all important capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and then use those all important conjunctions and adjectives to make those sentences longer and more interesting to read.  Below is a little reminder of what exactly conjunctions and adjectives are, in case you have forgotten. yes

BBC Bitesize:


Learn to read the time to half past the hour.

This lesson includes:

  • a learning summary
  • a video
  • two activities


To be able to identify characters in stories and come up with your own characters.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to characters in stories

  • three activities to do at home

Physical Education (PE)

This is something a bit different and therefore worth having a go at.

The lesson includes:

  • an introduction to 'what is movement?'
  • three activities to try at home

Super Spellers!

I have attached a list of the Year 1 Common Exception words for you to practise reading and spelling.  Mrs T-D is always really impressed when children can spell these words in their writing, so maybe you could set yourself a challenge of learning how to spell two, everyday.  By the time September arrives, you will be SUPER SPELLERS!  laugh

That's all for today Year 1.  I will write again tomorrow.

Take care, work hard and keep smiling.

Until tomorrow, 

Mrs Taylor x heart


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