Home Learning, Week 13, Monday 13th July

Date: 13th Jul 2020 @ 7:29am

Good morning Year 1 and welcome to our second to last week of school!  surprise 

Can you believe it?  How fast has this year flown and how long does it seem since we were altogether in our lovely Year 1 classroom, enjoying our learning?  It makes me feel quite sad but at the same time we have lots to be grateful for so let's keep smiling and remember that the summer holiday is just around the corner...

Today's Learning:

I have attached another booklet for you to work through this week, containing lots of maths and english related questions.  Do not worry that it is dated the end of June; this week's booklet that has been produced is all about French but we do not learn French in KS1 so I've just jumped back a little in the home booklets that have been made and found one which I think will really suit you.  It's got some questions in it about questions and exclamation marks (which is what you focused on last week) so you should be quite confident with these.

Creative Writing:

I have been thinking about your writing Year 1 and how we can best prepare you for moving into Year 2.  You have done quite a lot of work on punctutation (capital letters, full stops, finger spaces, questions marks and exclamation marks) as well as conjunctions and adjectives.  What I am now thinking is that you need to be more creative in your thinking of what to write.  You need to be challenging yourselves to write interesting sentences that will really interest the reader.  Therefore, I have attached some challenge cards today for you to choose from.  I would like you to choose one (or maybe more) of them and write something for me to read.  It would be amazing, during our second to last week of Year 1, if you could really GO OUT WITH A BANG and do your very best piece of writing!  Have a look through the attached challenge cards and decide which one appeals to you the most.  I cannot wait to read them - good luck!

Reading Challenge:

Attached at the bottom of the page is a reading comprehension for you to have a go at.  There are a couple of different versions, some harder than others so with a grown ups help, pick the one which is best suited for you and your reading ability.

BBC Bitesize:

Today's lesson is learning how to tell the time by using the hour and minute hands on a clock.

This lesson includes:

  • two slideshows
  • two activities


To learn what stories are and understand that they can be split up in to sections; a beginning, middle and an end.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to fiction and non-fiction

  • an introduction to story structure

  • three activities to do at home

Art Activities:

As I've said on previous blogs, afternoons are a good time for art and craft type of activities.  If you were in school now then we would be looking at an art technique called weaving and would be making small-scale picnic blankets out of paper and then material.  To start you off today, I have attached a video link and powerpoint for you to look at and learn about what weaving actually is.  Tomorrow, I will be setting you a weaving challenge so make sure you are watching carefully....

Until tomorrow, have a marvellous Monday Year 1!

Mrs Taylor x heart




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