Home Learning, Week 13, Friday 17th July

Date: 16th Jul 2020 @ 11:13pm

Well hello Year 1 and a very HAPPY FRIDAY to you all!


This is your last Friday in Year 1, which makes me very sad indeed. crying What a strange year it has been but may I say how wonderful it has been to have you in our class and how proud we are of you!  You are ready now for Year 2 and the exciting times ahead.  Talking of which, Mrs Talbot Davies has written a lovely welcome letter to you which will be posted on the blog on Monday, so keep an eye out for that!  

So...today's blog is going to be about recapping and looking back at the work which has been set and the work which you have completed.  In particular, I would like you to either try and complete or finish off your short story which I set for you a couple of days ago.  I mentioned to you about the features of a short story and attached a story mountain template for those of you who would feel more confident in using that rather than writing the actual story on lined paper.  I am hoping though that there will be a brave bunch of you who have just gone for it and really pushed yourselves to write in full sentences. 

In Year 2, Mrs T-D will talk a lot about 'editing' your work, which basically means checking it through for those all important features.  Below is a list of the features which I would hope you have included in a short story:

  • Characters - main character and other characters
  • Setting - where the story takes place / happens
  • Plot - does your story have a beginning, a build up, a middle and then an end?

Along with the above features, you also need to check that you have remembered the following:

  • Capital letters
  • Full stops
  • Finger spaces
  • Conjunctions - and, but, so, then
  • Adjectives - describing words like deep, gloomy, shiny and happy
  • Neat, clear letter formation

Once you have finished your piece of writing, use the checklists above to see if you have included everything.  If you can do this then you have 'editied' your work and you are more than ready for Year 2!

The final thing to do then is to email the work to me!  Try your best to do this as it really does make me happy to see how hard you are working and what you have achieved!

Other Learning:

As well as your short story, hop on over to BBC Bitesize where there a few lessons which you will enjoy.


Today is the last Friday Maths challenge day!  Today's lesson includes:

  • one quiz
  • some ideas for more fun learning


Your English work for today is to be learning your spellings (at least two, if not more) of the Year 1 common exception words and to read read read!  If you do all of these things, then you are going to be as ready for Year 2 as you possibly can be.

Design and Technology:

Learn how to make frozen yoghurt flavoured with different fruits.

This lesson includes:

  • one video on making the recipe

  • three activities to try at home

I will sign off now and wish you all a wonderful weekend with your lovely families.  Next week's blog will be about thinking about your move into Year 2 with lots of fun activities to complete!

Until then, take care and I'll speak again on Monday,

Mrs Taylor x heart