Home Learning, Week 12 Wednesday 8th July

Date: 8th Jul 2020 @ 6:09am

Good morning Year 1 and it's Wednesday - your half-way hump day - the weekend is in sight

We Are Already Half Way Through The Week Happy Wednesday Pictures ...

How did you get on yesterday with your work and did you find some time to care and complete my caring challenges?  Do not forget that I would love to receive some photographs (via the school email) and will upload them onto our blog for us all to see.  EVERYONE is welcome to send photographs across so let's make it our mission to all send some and then we can make an amazing gallery of pictures before we break up for the summer next week.

Today's Learning:


I am always reminding you about the importance of reading everyday and therefore, if you've been doing this, you'll be able to complete today's Book Review.  This is something that you have done before and is where you think about a book you've read and make comments about it in a review.  I've attached it at the bottom of the page but have also added one on Purple Mash, for those of you who cannot print off documents.

BBC Bitesize:


Have you ever watched someone cut a cake or pizza into 4 pieces?  Well, today's maths lesson is all about learning how to split objects into quarters and share amounts into four equal groups.

This lesson includes:

  • a learning summary
  • three activities


This lesson today is all about being able to identify long ladder letters and write sentences that contain joining words (we call them conjunctions!)

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to long ladder letters

  • an introduction to joining words (conjunctions)

  • three activities to do at home

Recount Writing:

As a further English challenge, I would like you to begin thinking about writing a recount of your year spent in Year 1 (even though it was cut VERY short. crying  At the bottom of the page, I have attached a powerpoint, explaining the features of a recount and I have also attached a mindmap sheet for you to use for planning your ideas.  Do you remember how we do this year 1?  We have the topic of what we are going to write our recount about in the middle of the page (Year 1) and then write all ideas (as simple words) around it.  We then build these ideas into our recount.  If you begin planning it today, then hopefully it should be written up and finished by Friday and then you can it over to me for me to read.  I cannot wait to see what things you have enjoyed the most about being in Year 1.  Here's a few ideas to help you:

  • assemblies and snging on a Friday morning
  • letters and sounds
  • Florence Nightingale (remember watching The Magic Grandad series and little Billy?)
  • The Great Fire of London topic (making Tudor houses)
  • The Enchanted Wood topic (remember the scary witch poster in the woods?)
  • playing musical instruments in the Christmas nativity
  • maths lessons with Mrs Duffy

Here are also a few other tips and things to remember:

  1. Write your recount in the first person because it happened to you! Eg "I felt excited."
  2. Use the past tense because it has already happened. ...
  3. Recounts are written in the order in which they happened. ...
  4. Using descriptive words will make it seem like your reader is there with you.

These are just some ideas Year 1 but you may also have your own.  yes

Well, I'm off to meet my Reception bubble this morning and I am really hoping that the sun is going to come out so that they can get some time inside.  Don't forget to do the same, Year 1.  Time outside and exercise is really important for a healthy body and mind.

Until tomorrow, take care and keep smiling.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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