Home Learning, Week 12 Tuesday 7th July

Date: 7th Jul 2020 @ 7:41am

Hello Year 1 and how are you all this morning?

How are you getting on with this week's home learning?  I hope you are enjoying working through the home learning pack which I attached for you yesterday.  As I said, it should last you the week and then next Monday (the final week of home learning) I will attach a new one.

Did you hug and pat your parents yesterday to say thankyou for helping you with your home learning?  I bet you did and I bet your Mummy or Daddy really appreciated it.  It's funny we talked about this yesterday, as did you know that this week is is national 'Glad to Care' week, which aims to remind us of those amazing people who dedicate their lives to caring for others?  This doesn't just mean parents caring for their children.  It includes caring for others in the community, caring for those less fortunate than ourselves and even includes caring for ourselves.  Lots of things to think about there. enlightened  Anyway, I am setting you a couple of 'caring challenges' this week and you can choose one (or two) to complete and then please send across to school and I will make a gallery over on our blog.  Here are your caring challenges:

  • Create a thankyou card for carers in the community, who are taking care of others.
  • Create a 'care day' where you care for your family members as much as possible.  What could you do on this day?  Think of lots of ideas (maybe make a list) and don't forget to take photographs to send over to school.
  • Complete the 'Caring' or 'Carer' acrostic poem which are attached at the bottom of this page.

I cannot wait to see photos of your work, Year 1!  Happy Caring!

Today's Other Learning:

BBC BItesize:

Learn how to share amounts in half by making two equal groups.

This lesson includes:

  • two slideshows
  • two activities


To be able to identify and use description words in writing (we even know them as adjectives).

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to description words (adjectives)

  • three activities to do at home

Just like the additional Music lesson yesterday (how did you get on with that?) today there is an Art lesson which I think you will enjoy.  Here it is:


Learn the basics of how artists use shapes and colours.

This lesson includes:

  • one video about how to make collage

  • two activities to try at home

Once again, don't forget to send over any work you do and I will upload it up onto the blog for all to see.

As well as all of this, don't forget your daily reading and how many of you completed a diary of what you did at the weekend?  You've lots to keep you busy Year 1, so I will sign off for now, until tomorrow.

Have a wonderful day, work hard and don't forget to care!

Mrs Taylor x heart

You just have to care....(still hard to find those) | Inspiring ...

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