Home Learning, Week 12 Monday 6th July

Date: 6th Jul 2020 @ 7:53am

Good morning Year 1!

How was your weekend?  I hope that you managed to enjoy some special time with your families, whilst avoiding the downpours and the wild wind!

So, it's the beginning of week 12 of home learning!  Can you believe that?  What amazing superstars you all are for working so hard at home and your parents are even BIGGER superstars for helping you!  Give them a big pat on the back today or a big bear hug and say thankyou, because it must feel pretty tough at times for them.  As wonderful as you all are, it's not something which your parents are used to and they're probably trying to tackle their own jobs as well as teach you.  So today is a day of thanks. heart  Happy patting and hugging!

Thanks For All Poster | JUNIQE

Talking of thanking, how many of you went outside at 5pm yesterday and clapped for the NHS again?  Do you know why we all did that?  Well, yesterday was the NHS's 72nd birthday!  How amazing is that!  It was the opportunity, once again, to take a minute to think of all the amazing people who have worked for the NHS over the years and those who still work for the NHS.

72 Years of the NHS

Home Learning:

BBC Bitesize:


Learn how to split objects in half and share amounts into two equal groups.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • a learning summary
  • one practical activity
  • one interactive activity


More work on verbs today: to be able to identify verbs (action words) and use them in sentences.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to verbs

  • three activities to do at home


Now this lesson really made me smile when I saw it this morning!  laugh It is a music lesson for you to enjoy! 

In this lesson, you will play an interactive game to learn about layering music, making a beat and creating your own song.

This lesson includes:

  • one interactive game
  • one activity

Have a go at it Year 1 and BE BRAVE!  Music is something which we all enjoy and is something a bit different on this Monday morning.


I have attached (below) a home learning pack for you to work through this week.  It covers maths and english work and there is reading comprehension at the end.  This is something that should last you the week, as it's divided up for each day.  I hope you enjoy working through this, Year 1.  This is our second-to-last week of home learning, so work hard, make it count and shine like the stars that you are! 


Finally, you will see at the top of the page that I have attached some good work, from Ewan, Oliver and Bobby, which they emailed over on Friday.  All three boys have been busy again and I am proud of the work I have seen.  Well done! 

That's all for today, Year 1!

Have a good day and I'll message again tomorrow.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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