Home Learning, Week 12, Friday 10th July

Date: 9th Jul 2020 @ 5:02pm

Hello Year 1 and HAPPY HAPPY FRIDAY!  Yippeeeee!!!!!!!!!


I would like to start off today's blog with a couple of SHOUT OUTS!  Well done to the following children for their amazing pieces of work that they have sent across:

Oliver - Oliver has been so busy at home, enjoying his home learning.  This week he has sent over acrostic poems, a book review and a Kadinsky inspired piece of art work.  Just brilliant Oliver!

Jessica - Jessica has sent over a lovely poem for 'Good to Care' week, all about Caring.  I enjoyed reading this, Jessica.

Bobby - Bobby has emailed over his Recount of Year 1, an acrostic poem about Caring and a lovely thankyou card, once again for 'Good to Care' week.

It is a such a pleasure to see the lovely work that is being done at home.  Have a look at it at the bottom of this page.  Has anyone else got anything they would like to send over?

Today's Learning:

Today is the last day for completing this week's home learning booklet.  How have you found it?  I hope that you have managed to get through it this week as I am setting you another booklet on Monday. yes

Exclamation marks and Questions Marks:

Today, I am setting you some work on question marks and exclamation marks.  As usual, I have attached a couple of powerpoints for you to look at first which should help you, then there are a couple of activities for you to have a go at as well.


Exclamation sentences explained | Primary school grammar ...  - using exclamation marks


Question marks explained | Primary school punctuation: question ... - using question marks

As I said earlier, today's learning is about finishing off the home booklet as well as the work set on exclamation marks and question marks.  I think that will be enough today along with the all important reading and then maybe you could do some outside activities this afternoon.

Whatever your day brings, get things done and have fun fun fun!  It's HAPPY FRIDAY after all!

I'll blog again on Monday.

Love Mrs Taylor x heart





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