Home Learning, Week 11 Wednesday 1st July

Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 7:26am

Good morning Year 1 and Happy 1st July!

Can you believe that it is July already?  Time is flying by so quickly!

So I am going to begin today's Blog with a couple of shout outs!


First SHOUT OUT is to Georgia who has sent some photos in of her busy at home.  She has made the paper lighthouse and has also sent a lovely photo of when she visited a lighthouse on the Greek island of Santorini.  It is a lovely photograph and how amazing that Georgia could tell us about a place where there is a lighthouse, outside of the United Kingdom!

Second SHOUT OUT is to Jessica for sending in some fantastic photos of her busy at home making the paper lighthouse and a photo of her postcard she has written.

Lastly, Scarlett has been busy learning her spellings and then some amazing facts about lighthouses!  Well done indeed Scarlett!

I have put the photos of the children's work in the header at the top for you all to see! 

BLOG - How Are You, Year 1?

I still haven't seen any comments on our new class blog so just want to make sure that you can all see it?  Come on Year 1, get blogging and let's have some chat for these last few weeks about things that we have enjoyed doing throughout home learning, maybe something you are proud of or even things that you have missed from school.

BBC Bitesize:


Learn how to identify the different Bank of England banknotes.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • one activity


The focus is on letter formation and writing sentences that contain exclamation marks.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to exclamation marks

  • three activities to do at home

Childrens Art Week:

How are you getting on with your art work, this week?  I hope you enjoyed reading about Andy Goldsworthy again and have begun creating your leaf activity.  Remember, that this week's focus is our 'natural world' so maybe you could go on a nature hunt around your garden, weather allowing, and then create a collage using natural objects.  I've attached an example of one below, to hopefully inspire you.  Top 12 outdoor Art ideas


Having looked at Scarlett's fabulous work on spellings, it made me think of asking you all whether you have practised, during lockdown, spelling the common exception words which were sent home at the beginning of Year 1?  These are words which you are expected to try and be able to read and spell by the end of Year 2.  I have attached a copy below, so you can maybe have a look and have a go at spelling some of them.  You could maybe set up a little challenge for yourself where you try and learn 2 spellings everyday of the words which you can't spell.  If you can read and spell all of the Year 1 words, then have a sneaky peak at the Year 2 words.  cool

That's all for today children.  I am off to St Mary's now to greet my Reception children for a morning of FUN with phonics!

Take care and keep working hard.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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