Home Learning, Week 11 Tuesday 30th June

Date: 30th Jun 2020 @ 9:09am

Hello Year 1 and a very good morning to you all!

I hope that you are feeling happy and well and ready for another day of learning.  Remember what I said about trying to find the right moment to get your work done, when you're feeling fresh and full of focus!


This morning I am giving a HUGE shout out to Oliver for the fabulous work his Mummy emailed to me yesterday.  Here is some of it below.  You're a superstar, Oliver!


Childrens Art Week:

Did you know that this week is Children's Art Week?  Here is a link for you to open and find out more:


As you will see, if you click on the link, this week is all about our natural world.  Therefore, I have attached some files at the bottom for you to have a look at.  Andy Goldsworthy is a sculpture who we looked at earlier in the year, during our Enchanted Wood topic.  We created our own land art, outside, using objects from the natural environment.  Have a read of the powerpoint to remind you of what he is famous for and then have a look at the activities I have given you to have a go at.  The leaf activity looks particularly interesting, as long as the rain stays off long enough for you to go and collect some leaves. frown

BBC Bitesize:


Today's lesson is all about learning how to identify the value of different coins.

This lesson includes:

  • a learning summary
  • three activities

I think you will really enjoy these activities, Year 1!


We have done a lot of work on poetry throughout the year and today's BBC Bitesize lesson is to understand what 'counting poems' are and try writing one yourself.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to poems

  • a reminder about writing sentences

  • three activities to do at home

Once you have completed these activities, see if you can upload them onto the blog called 'How Are You, Year 1?' as a way of celebrating your hard work.

As well as the Art and BBC Bitesize Maths and English lessons, you could also have a look at the Geography lesson on BBC Bitesize which is all to do with the seasons.  

I think that's enough to keep you busy as you should also be doing your daily reading and maybe completing your daily diary that I mentioned last week.  If you are not doing the diary on a daily basis then maybe you could complete it on a Monday after the weekend

Until tomorrow, take care, keep smiling and enjoy your art work!

Mrs Taylor x heart

Files to Download