Home Learning Week 11 Thursday 2nd July

Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 9:39am

Good Morning Year 1 and it's 'Thoughtful Thursday'

What thoughtful thing can YOU do today?  

No act of kindness no matter how small, is ever wasted ...

It was great to open the blog this morning and see some of you have been typing away, sharing your news of life at home and your home schooling.  If any of you send in work or put something on the blog, I will always give you a SHOUT OUT and maybe share some of your work.  Let's get some different names on the Year 1 blog (as well as the ones that get put on a lot) and let's celebrate your wonderful work and listen to your news!   

So...how are  you enjoying Children's Art Week?  Have you managed to get outside and create some natural sculptures?  If so, feel free to send them over to school, via email.

I hope that you are finding this blog useful and not getting overloaded with information and things to do.  I always try to section it off with the BBC Bitesize Maths, English and (sometimes) another subject like History, Geography or Art and then try to give you some other work to do, which you would have been doing if you were still in school eg writing postcards and creating fact files.  

Just to help, I am once again just going to give you a brief overview of what your typical Year 1 home learning day could look like:

9am - Exercise to wake you up and get your ready for the day ahead 

9.30am - Maths Lesson / Activities

10.15am - BREAK

10.30 - English Lesson / Activites / any writing activities, eg weekly diary, letter to a family member

11.30 - Reading or another activity from BBC Bitesize

12.00 - Lunch

1.30pm - Art  / Time outside

This is obviously just a guide.  I am sure that you, with your Mummys and Daddys you will sort out what works best for you.

BBC Bitesize:


Learn how to count different coins.

This lesson includes:

  • a learning summary
  • two activities
  • one worksheet


To be able to place items in alphabetical order

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction alphabetical order

  • three activities to do at home

I'm going to dash off for now as I am about to greet my Reception children for another fun day of learning.

Until tomorrow,

Mrs Taylor x heart