Home Learning, Week 11 Monday 29th June

Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 8:39am

Good morning Year 1 and here we are, week 11 of home learning!  Can you believe that?

I am sure that by now, many of you are missing school terribly and maybe struggling, some days, to find your focus and work hard.  Please do not worry!  Just do the very best that you can and pick times of the day to work when you feel most alert and energised.  I think that getting your work done in the morning is the best idea, when you are fresh and raring to go.  Save the afternoons for things like craft, art, exercise etc.  Let me know how you are feeling on the blog, on Purple Mash.  I've set a new section up called 'How are you?' as I thought it might be a nice idea for us to share how we are feeling (good or bad) and maybe some news of things that you have been up to.  I look forward to reading them.

I am giving a big shout out to Ewan this morning for the work he sent over on Friday.  He has completed a super piece of work, comparing seaside holidays in the past with now and has written a fact file, all about seaside holidays in the past.  Well done, Ewan!  You are a superstar! smiley


BBC Bitesize:


Today's focus is on learning how to order numbers from 0 to 100.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • two activities


Today is about sight words (high frequencu words) and understanding how to identify and write questions correctly.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to questions

  • a game on sight words

  • three activities to do at home

I think that you will really like this lesson and it will certainly help you with those all important high frequency words.


Although our history focus this half term is seaside holidays in the past, BBC Bitesize have uploaded a lesson today on learning about the life and achievements of Professor Stephen Hawking.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos about his life
  • two activities to build knowledge and understanding

Professor Stephen Hawking was a fascinating man and I think it would be interesting for you, so have a go!


I am setting you a special challenge this week Year 1 all to do with lighthouses.  I have attached a powerpoint all about lighthouses and a reading comprehension for you to do.  If you find it difficult to read the reading comprehension on your own, then read it with a grown up.  Once you have done that, I want you to find me the following:

  • places in the United Kingdom where you will find a lighthouse
  • a few fascinating facts about lighthouses

After that, have a go at creating a 2D lighthouse, using the paper template attached below and then the biggest challenge is................

TO CREATE A 3D LIGHTHOUSE, USING RECLAIMED MATERIALS (basically, anything you can find at home).  Once they are completed, send a photograph, via the school email and I will display them on here.  I cannot wait!

This challenge can be done over the next few weeks but as soon as they are completed, then send them over via the school email and I will display them on here.  Good luck!

Purple Mash:

As well as the new blog, I have set a few new To Do's on Purple Mash so remember to have a look and complete them.  I love reading all your little comments when you've completed the work.  They really do make me smile! laugh

Anyway, I shall sign off for now and wish you all a lovely Monday.

Remember what I said about finding your focus and getting your work done in the morning and also, don't forget to pop a little comment in our new blog - How are you? over on Purple Mash.

Until tomorrow....

Mrs Taylor x heart

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