Home Learning Week 11 - Monday

Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 10:08am

Good Morning Reception smiley

How are you feeling today? Did you have a lovely weekend? What did you get up to? Can you talk to your grown up about your favourite part of your weekend and tell them why it was your favourite part?


Story of The Week

Our story this week is a familiar story. Who can remember reading 'Oliver's Vegetables' by Vivian French and Alison Bartlett? We loved it so much, I thought we'd read it again. Find a comfortable place and listen carefully.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcxnE4Xh0-g Enjoy!


Special Sound of The Day

Spend some time today with our friends Rosie and Fred. Make sure to try extra hard when practising your phonics smiley https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ/videos 



How good are your sorting skills? Practise sorting vegetables in today's activity. https://wrm-13b48.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Day-1-Olivers-Vegetables.pdf


Writing Task

Can you write a healthy vegetable recipe? Can you write some instructions to explain how to make your recipe?

Will you give your special healthy meal a name? I bet all of your recipes are going to be extra yummy!


Healthy Cooking


Can you make some healthy vegetable recipes at home. Can you help a grown up wash and prepare vegetables for a salad with lettuce, carrots, tomatoes, celery, and cucumbers. What else could you put in your salad?


It wouldn't be a Reception class blog without a song! I have found a vegetable song, sing along smiley https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RE5tvaveVak

Have a lovely day Reception. I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take Care heart

Mrs Amor x


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