Home Learning, Week 10, Tuesday 23rd June

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 9:05am

Good morning Year 1!

I hope that you are all feeling well and enjoying your week so far.  Don't forget, time outside and exercise is really important for both the body and the mind so make sure you get plenty, especially if the sun comes out a little later on.


I'm begining today's blog with a couple of shout outs to our friends Tilly and Ewan.  They have both been working hard on the poetry challenges I set you last week and have emailed them over to school.  Have a look at them in the header at the top of this page.  They really get you in the mood for summer with all those descriptive, summery words and phrases.  Well done to both of you! yes

National Sports Week:

How many of you had a look at yesterday's sports challenge from Sports4Kids?  If you have any, send some photos over to school and let us see what you got up to.  It was an athletics challenge, wasn't it?  Sounds very exciting and physical!!!!!!!

                                                           Toddler Art Athlete Boy Clipart Children – Prawny Clipart Cartoons ...

Seaside Holidays in the Past:

Did you enjoy the Magic Grandad programmes which I asked you to watch yesterday?  Don't forget that your next task is to create a fact file all about seaside holidays in the past, using all the information from the Magic Grandad programmes as well as your own research and the things I have told you about. Your mind should be FULL of fascinating facts by now so the next stage is how you present it in a fact file.  I am soooo excited to see them when they are finished!

BBC Bitesize:


It's all about learning how to partition numbers into tens and ones using a place value chart and a part-whole model.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • three activities


Today's lesson is to understand what comprehension is and be able to write sentences and answer questions based on what text you've read.  You have worked hard on this during your time in year 1 so have a good go at it.

This lesson includes:

  • a video about comprehension

  • three activities to do at home

How did you get on yesterday when learning about verbs?  Can you remember what a verb is?  I said that I would set you some more work today on verbs so that you can learn more about them.  Have a go at the worksheets I have set below and even if  you cannot print off the worksheets, just copy the sentences out onto your own paper.  yes


In PSHE and RSE this half term we would be thinking about how we can stay safe at home.  We would also be looking at how love is shown in a family, happy family times, sad family times and what life would be without a family.  This is something which you could discuss with your family members and afterwards, maybe you would like to do a short piece of writing and a picture to show what you discussed.

That's all for today now.  You've lots to be thinking about and lots to be doing!  Also, don't forget to do a check on Purple Mash that you have completed as many To Do's as you can.

Until tomorrow, take care and keep smiling.

Mrs Taylor x heart

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