Home Learning, Week 10, Thursday 25th June

Date: 25th Jun 2020 @ 7:37am

Hello Year 1 and what a beautiful morning it is!

It is going to be such a hot day today so I am sure you will be outside having some fun at some point - just remember to put on that all important suncream, sunhat and keep drinking lots of water.  Are  you enjoying this week's sports activities?  Today it is: SOCK BOCCIA

Seaside Holidays in the Past

How are you fact files coming along?  I wonder who will be the first to send theirs into school for me to have a look at?  I am also wondering if any of you are going to be putting a new, fascinating fact on your fact file about something to do with seaside holidays in the past?  That person will be receiving a HUGE SHOUT OUT from me!

BBC Bitesize:


In this lesson today you will learn to compare different numbers to 100 using the less than (<) and more than (>) signs.

This lesson includes:

  • two videos
  • two activities


Today the focus is on letter formation and understanding how to correctly form one-armed robot letters (eg, b, h and r) and use them in your writing.

This lesson includes:

  • an introduction to one-armed robot letters

  • three activities to do at home

*JUST BE CAREFUL WHEN WRITING k and remember how we form this letter accurately ( I cannot show you on here because the font is no longer on our laptops but you will know what I mean.  If you still have it, have a look at the letter formation sheet we sent home at the beginning of the year.

Design and Technology:

This looks a great lesson, learning all about the basics of food and nutrition.

This lesson includes:

  • two video clips demonstrating the food groups and tips for healthy eating

  • two activities to try at home

We have covered this in class but it is good to revisit and remind yourself of the food groups etc.  Maybe, also, you might decide to make something healthy to show your understanding of food.  If you do, then take a photo and send them over to school!


HUGE shout out to Tilly, Scarlett and Bobby for the super work they've send over this week.  Tilly has sent some lovely photos of her own trip to Llandudno, showing lots of places which were in my photographs from seaside holidays many years ago.  Thanks for that, TIlly!  Scarlett is the first person to complete her fact file - WELL DONE!  It is sooo neat as well, Scarlett!  FInally, Bobby has completed some excellent work on verbs and once again Bobby, your work is so neat!  Mrs Talbot-Davies will be very impressed to see such lovely, neat letter formation and presentation! 

I will sign off for the moment Year 1 as it's time for me to go to school and see the children there.  We all miss you soooo much and hope to see you again soon!

Mrs Taylor x heart