Home Learning, Week 10, Monday 22nd June

Date: 22nd Jun 2020 @ 9:32am

Good morning Year 1!

I hope that you managed to enjoy the weekend and spend time in the sunshine, when avoiding those HUGE downpours.....we were sat outside yesterday for Father's Day and then had to suddenly make a dash inside as the BIGGEST downpour seemed to come out of nowhere! 

So...I really hope that you are enjoying our new topic on seaside holidays in the past and fascinated by all the things you are finding out.  Last week's challenge was to find out the connection between beaches, men and women (ladies).  Bobby tried really hard, telling me that only rich people went to the beach.  Well done Bobby, however, I can today reveal that my mystery fact was that many years ago, men and women had to attend SEPERATE BEACHES!  Can you believe that?  They weren't allowed to sit on the same beach together!  Imagine if this was the rule today!  I am sure you'd not be very happy having Mummy and Daddy on different beaches.  surprise

Today, I am attaching this: 


It is a link for episodes of the Magic Grandad series, all about seaside holidays in the past.  Do you remember that we watched this series for The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale?  Anyway, there are three different ones to watch.  Once you have watched them all (maybe more than once) wink then I would like you to put together your own fact sheet all about seaside holidays in the past.  You can make it on a large sheet of paper or card and use colouring pencils/felt tips.  I have also attached some examples for you to have a look at, along with a template sheet for you to use, if you so wish.  I am looking forward to seeing your finished fact sheets and don't forget to take pride in your work.  Make it neat, make it eye-catching!

BBC Bitesize:


This is something which we hadn't yet covered in class, before we finished school, so would be a good lesson for you have a go at.  It is all about being able to identify 'doing words', or verbs, in sentences and using them in your own writing.

This lesson includes:

  • a video about verbs

  • three activities to do at home

Have a go and then tomorrow I will set you some further activities all to do with verbs!


Learn how to count from 1 to 100 using a number grid.

This lesson includes:

  • one video
  • three activities

*Going back to the lesson on verbs, I have attached a powerpoint at the bottom to help you understand a little more about what they are and how we can use them in our writing.

Purple Mash

There are a couple of new activities on here too to keep you busy Year 1 and at some point this week and I am going to catch up on all the lovely work you have been doing, so watch out for lots of smiles and stars on your work! yes

This Week is National Sports Week:

Each day, Sports4Kids will be posting videos of challenges for you to complete on their YouTube channel. Here is the link to their channel and a break down of the sports they will be challenging you with:

Monday 22nd June - Athletics

Tuesday 23rd June - Football

Wednesday 24th June - Cricket

Thursday 25th June - Sock Boccia

Friday -26th June - Fitness Friday

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaShqm-i1tIdz0-VphqRDFg/videos yes

These activities should be fun and the weather is looking VERY WARM later in the week, so get outside, get that all important exercise and ENJOY!

Until tomorrow, take care, work hard, take exercise, read your book and keep smiling.

Be Happy: Happiness Quotes and Sayings - Adventures of Kids ...

Lots to do then! wink

Mrs Taylor x heart


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