Home Learning Tuesday 30th June
Date: 29th Jun 2020 @ 7:01pm
Good Morning Year 3
How did you get on with your work yesterday? It wasn't the best day to go out into your garden to take photographs of flowers was it! It was really wet and cold - so, so different to last week.
However, the wet weather gives you plenty of time to stay nice and dry indoors - doing lots of lovely school work
All of the tasks for the week are attached to yesterday's blog, so remember to look back for a list of your tasks.
Shout Out to Kaitlyn, Evan and Isla L who have completed the Symmetry 2Do task on Purple Mash. If you complete the 2Do, take care - it is trickier than it looks! Many of the shapes have more than 1 line of symmetry and some have none. If you turn the shapes around in your head, you should be able to see where the lines of symmetry go.
Second Shout Out to Jacob B who has sent in his PowerPoint of a Famous Historical Event. I've attached it to the blog for you all to see.
Don't forget to send in photographs of your work children, so that I can share them with the other children.
I'll be in touch tomorrow - remember:
- try to read everyday or complete the reading comprehension task
- times tables every day
- try to learn 2 spellings a day from the attached list
- try to complete some Maths and English every day - either from the booklet or from the attached symmetry tasks
- choose something fun for the afternoon - there are lots of art activities to choose from this week.
Take care everyone
Mrs H