Home Learning Tuesday 16th June

Date: 15th Jun 2020 @ 7:58pm

Hello Year 3. 

How did you get on with your work yesterday? Did you complete any of the tasks set? I know that Addie did as she sent me her poems on our Purple Mash blog.  yes Addie also answered my riddles and set me three of her own. It was good fun trying to guess the answers laugh

Your 2 riddles for today are:

1) What question can you never answer yes to ?

2) I am an odd number. Take away a letter and I become even. What number am I?

If you know the answers, send them in to me on our class blog.


Boys V Girls Rockstars Update

Well the competition is very, very close children. The boys are still just in front with 612 points and the girls have 600!  Well done to Harry, Harrison, Max, Liam, Joseph and Evan who have all played for the boys' team AND Heidi, Sophia, Annabel and Isla L who have played for the girls. With 4 days to go, will the boys stay in front?

If you haven't played yet, come on children have a go and help your team to win. I'll update you all tomorrow on the score.

Today's Work:

Look back at yesterday's blog to see a suggested timetable for today. All activities are explained and activity sheets are attached to yesterday's blog.

Harrison, can you send me a photograph of your sculpture that you made - the one on Purple Mash, so that I can include it on Friday's newsletter? Thank you.

Shout out to:

Well done to Harry who has completed the History work that I set yesterday. I have attached Harry's timeline for you all to see. Harry has chosen 3 signifcant events in his own life to include in his timeline which is great. You can do this too, or you can choose 3 signifcant events from history e.g. The London Olympics, VE Day celebrations, that have happened since your birth. 

That's it for now kiddies - remember to look at yesterday's blog for today's work. Keep working hard and try to do a little bit everyday. Keep sending your work in for me to see.  I will try to ring some of you today to have a chat.

Take care

Mrs H heart

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