Home Learning Tuesday 14th July

Date: 11th Jul 2020 @ 6:56pm

Good Morning Year 3.  laugh

I hope that you all had a good day yesterday. Do you all know who your teacher is next year? If you don't - it's Miss Gradwell!  I know that she is very excited and she is looking forward to meeting you all next year. She is going to write you all a letter to tell you all about life in Year 4 and I will put in on the class blog on Monday. yes

Did your parents share your end of year reports with you? I hope they did, as there is much to celebrate in them. Take note of your targets for Reading, Writing and Maths and try to work hard on them over the summer. yes yes

Work for Today:

Mathematics: You will continue with your statistics work today. How did you get on with the pictogram work yesterday? Was it easy, hard or just right? Today, you will deepen your understanding of bar charts. Look through the PowerPoint first, before you have a go at the worksheets. 

Literacy: How did you find yesterday's non fiction reading comprehension? Today's task has a spelling focus. The work will help you to learn to spell some of the words that the government says that you need to be able to spell by the end of Year 4.

You could also try the spelling games below on Education City.

Alley-Oops (Y3/4 word list)

Making Baskets 1 and 2 (commonly mispelt words)

Cave Escape (spelling high frequency words)


Afternoon Tasks: Every afternoon - choose 1 from the list below:

Task 1) I have set you a 2Do on Purple Mash asking you to write me a letter telling me what life has been like for you in Y3. Tell me about your favourite part of the year and tell me about something you haven't enjoyed. Don't forget to write in complete sentences and remember to punctuate your work. NO-ONE COMPLETED THIS TASK YESTERDAY sad I was looking forward to hearing from you. 


Task 2 ) Science Revision Activities - Plants. Use the games on Education City to see how much you can remember: The Games are listed on Monday's blog.


Task 3) Science Revision Activities - Rocks: Use the games on Education City to see how much you can remember: The games are listed on Monday's blog.


Task 4) Science Revision Activities - Light: Use the games on Education City to see how much you can remember: The games are listed on Monday's blog.


Task 5)  Technology Challenge 1.   Make a safety container for a fresh egg to be dropped from a height of 2metres without it breaking. This is a great activity - it's lots of fun and if your egg breaks, it can get messy laugh Send me photos if you have a go.


Task 6)  Science/Technology Challenge 2.   Make your own rainbow. Follow the instructions on the attached sheet to create your own rainbow.


Task 7)  Friday is World Emoji Day. Create your own emoji and send me a photograph. I would love to include them in this week's newsletter ( so send them in before Thursday smiley)


Remember to :

Read for 30 mins everyday, unless you complete the Reading Comprehension tasks on Monday, Wednesday and Friday

10 mins on times tables, unless you take part every day in the final tournament/challenge I have set.  Last time I set the tournament, the girls beat the boys! Now boys, this is your chance to seek revenge. Girls can you defend your title? Boys are you going to let them beat you again? The tournament closes at lunchtime on Friday. Good luck everyone. I will give you a daily update. yes

Rockstars Update:

The boys are currently beating the girls. So far, only 3 girls and 3 boys have played. The scores are 866 to the boys and 342 to the girls. Well done to JOSEPH, HARRY AND LIAM for the boys and ISLA W, ANNABEL AND SOPHIA for the girls. 

Come on boys and girls! If you haven't logged on for a game, now is the time to do so. Help you team win and learn your tables at the same time. laugh


That's all for now Year 3. 

Take care; work hard and have a good day.

Mrs H heart



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