Home Learning Thursday 2nd July
Date: 1st Jul 2020 @ 7:46pm
I can't believe that it is Thursday already Year 3 How quickly the weeks pass by.
I hope that you are all okay and that you have managed to complete some work this week.
First Shout out today to: Olivia M, Sophia, Joseph and Jacob R who have all completed the Symmetry 2Do on Purple Mash today. It is more challenging than it looks, so if you haven't completed the 2 Do yet, try the symmetry worksheets attached to Monday's blog first. They will help you. Only 2 children so far have scored 9/9 in the 2Do.
Second Shout out to: Heidi, Annabel, Evan and Liam who can now answer all times table questions in under 6 seconds. You 4 are SUPER STARS. You should be really, really proud of yourselves as you would all be able to pass the Y4 times table check now - a year earlier than needed! A GREAT BIG WELL DONE.
Some other children are also very close - Harrison, Jacob B and Tyler. Keep spending 10 minutes a day on Rock Stars children and you will soon be under 6 seconds.
Some of you haven't really been on Rock Stars at all. If you are learning your tables in a different way - keep going. If you are not learning your tables - you'll have lots to do next year. This is a great time to learn them. It just takes 10 mins a day.
Remember that all of your work is listed on Monday's blog and the activity sheets are also attached.
I'll be in touch tomorrow - but remember:
- try to read everyday or complete the reading comprehension task
- times tables every day
- try to learn 2 spellings a day from the attached list
- try to complete some Maths and English every day - either from the booklet or from the attached symmetry tasks
- choose something fun for the afternoon - there are lots of art activities to choose from this week
Speak to you all again tomorrow.
Take care
Mrs H