Home Learning Thursday 2nd April

Date: 2nd Apr 2020 @ 11:48am

Gooood morning everybody!

I can’t believe it is Thursday already! Time is flying!

The weather isn’t as great today, but there are still plenty of reasons to smile!

First of all, a HUUUUGE well done to Oliver S, Oliver B and Ben for having a go at the Fraction wall game already! I’m super impressed!

Remember to log on to Purple Mash the rest of you, as there are some new activities on there for you to have a go at!

Times Tables Rockstars

A MASSIVE congratulations to Dylan, who is our new and official ROCK LEGEND!!!

Keep up the incredible work, Dylan! You are catching up to Miss Gradwell for 3rd place on the leaderboard!

Also, another ENORMOUS well done to Ben and Molly, who are this week’s Times Table ROCKSTARS!  Woohoooo!

You guys are awesome! The following people get a great big pat on the back from me, too, for logging in and starting (or continuing) their Rockstar journey:

Sonny, Anna, Zoe, Amelie, Sophia, Jayden, Lily, Libbie, Maya, CJ, Millie, Charlie M, Eleanor, Oliver S, Lucy S, James and Lexie!

That’s 20 people now- excellent!


Another reason to smile is because it is officially the ‘Easter Holidays’ next week, so although it is good to keep practicing those times tables, and reading, you won’t have as much work to do! I won’t be adding much to the blogs over those few weeks, apart from a few pictures here and there when I’m in school. That means you get a lovely break to do some other fun things instead!

Speak to you all tomorrow.

Miss Davies 😊