Home Learning Monday 15th June
Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 7:14pm
Good Morning to you all. Are you all well? I hope so.
Today, I am setting you a week of work linked to your Summer topic of GROWING. (and Changes)
I am going to set all of the work today and then you can choose what you want to do and when you want do it.
I will still blog everyday, but it will just be to say hello and to remind you of the tasks you need to complete.
I would love it if you could send in some examples of your work.
Try to choose 3 activities every day to complete - as well as spending 30mins reading and 15 mins on times tables.
A suggested timetable could be: (The details of the activities can be found below the suggested timetable.)
Monday - Maths, English and Design Technology. (Research into the life of Alexander Calder) 15mins of times tables and half an hour of reading before bedtime.
Tuesday - Maths, English and History. (Complete the blank timeline) 15 mins of times tables and half an hour of reading before bedtime.
Wednesday - Maths, English and Science. (The Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant) 15mins of times tables and half an hour of reading before bedtime.
Thursday - Maths, English and Design Technology. (Complete the Design a Mobile task. Do not build your mobile as you will do this next week.) 15 mins of times tables and half an hour of reading before bedtime.
Friday - Maths, English and Refugee PowerPoint (to watch) and Welcome Poster (to design).
Have you gotten involved in the boys v girls tournament that I have set you on Rock Stars?
Currently the boys are winning 450 - 370. (Harry, Harrison, Max, Joseph and Evan have played for the boys so far and Heidi,Sophia and Isla L have played for the girls.) Come on girls - join in and help your team to win. Boys - keep going. Don't let the girls catch you. The tournament ends at dinner time on Friday.
Activity Details:
Maths: Bitesize Learning continues with fractions this week. The week starts off teaching you how to order fractions and then moves on to adding and subtracting fractions. You added and subtracted fractions in Autumn. Can you remember how to do this? Completing the activities will help to refresh your memory. On Thurday, Bitesize focuses upon using your knowledge of fractions to solve problems. I've attached some extra fraction activities to the blog to support you with your Bitesize Learning.
English: Poetry is the focus of Bitesize Learning this week. Today you will explore how to write poetry. On Tuesday, you will learn all about sound words. We explored sound words when I taught poetry to you. Do you remember Roger McGough's Sound Collector poem? You all wrote some amazing poems that week, so I think that you will find this activity easy and enjoyable. On Wednesday, you will be introduced to Nonsense Poems, which are usually fun to read and write. Thursday introduces you to alliteration. Alliteration is when words that start with the same sound are used repeatedly e.g. Hungry, happy, honest Hymers Alliteration improves the quality of your writing. The week ends with a reading activity based around Slime - a new book by David Walliams.
Science: (How plants grow) Last week you looked at the different parts of a plant - like the root and the leaves - and you found out about the different jobs that each part does. This week, we are moving on to look at the Life Cycle of a Flowering Plant. The PowerPoint will teach you about each stage in the cycle and then there is an activity sheet for you to complete.
History: (How we grow and change. Important events in our lives) Using the timeline attached to the blog (or you can draw your own timeline) draw or stick a picture of you (in the first box) as a baby and record your date of birth. In the last box, draw or stick a picture of you now as a Y3 child and record the date of the day you are completing the work. Look how much you have grown. Have you changed much? In the boxes in between your photographs, choose 3 significant events that have happened since your birth and place a picture/drawing of each event in the box. Label each box with the name of the event and the date it happened.
Design Technology: 1) Research into the life of Alexander Calder - use the attached research sheet to record your findings or create your own information sheet.
2) Alexander Calder created mobiles (not phones ). Use the internet to look closely at the mobiles he created.
3) Complete the Design Challenge - design your own mobile to hang from the ceiling in the style of Calder. (DO NOT MAKE YOUR MOBILE - You will make it next week.)
This week is also National Refugee Week. Do you know what a refugee is? If you're not sure, have a look at the PowerPoint to find out more. I have also attached a nice task to do around the theme of Refugees. I have asked you to desgin a welcome poster to welcome a refugee child to our school.
If I haven't seen you in school, I am going to try to ring you all again this week, to see how you all are. It would be lovely if you could come to the phone to have a little chat with me.
Whilst poetry is the theme of this week's English lessons, I am going to end the daily blogs with a couple of riddles for you to solve. (A riddle is a kind of poem.) If you solve the riddles, let me know your answers on our Purple Mash Blog. You could also set riddles for your classmates (and me) to answer on the blog!
Riddles for Monday:
1) If you took one apple from a pile of three apples, how many apples would you have?
2) Where can you find cities, towns, shops and streets, but no people?
Take Care and I will speak to you all later this week. (I'll post two more riddles tomorrow.)
Mrs H
P.S. A BIG SHOUT OUT TO Harrison and Liam who both sent in their answers to the quiz I set last week. You did great boys.