Home Learning Friday 3rd July
Date: 2nd Jul 2020 @ 9:13pm
It's Friday, everyone - the weekend is nearly here.
It's the last day of the school week today, so you should all be nearing the end of the work that I set you on Monday. How have you all got on? I haven't had many examples of your work this week, so it would be great if you could send some in to me. I really do enjoy seeing your work Y3.
With just over 2 weeks left until the end of term, it is now more important than ever that you do try to complete some of the tasks that I set - otherwise you will find that you have forgotten lots when you return to school in September.
Three easy things that you can do are:
Times tables every day - you will be sitting the times tables check in summer next year. Just 10 mins a day will make a difference. Your target is to answer x table and division questions in under 6 seconds a question. You are all capable of doing this if you set your mind to it.
Learn 2 spellings a day from the word list that I attached on Monday.Your target is to be able to spell all of these by the end of Y4.
Reading is key - you should be reading every day and completing a comprehension activity once a week. There are lots of books on Purple Mash for you to choose from.
Try to get into good habits now and start doing the 3 things above from today - and throughout the summer.
Have a good Friday everyone. Be good and do try to complete some of the tasks set.
I'll be in touch.
Have a good weekend.
Mrs H