Home Learning Friday 3rd April

Date: 3rd Apr 2020 @ 11:36am

A very good morning to you all!

I hope you are all feeling great- it is Friday after all!

Technically today is the last day of half-term, too.



Today, I want to say a great big WELL DONE to the following people for completing activities I have set on Purple Mash:

James   Zoe   Maya    Ben   Oliver S   Amelie      James

Dylan   Molly   Keeley    Oliver B        George     Lucy S

I know that lots of you are still going on Monster Multiplication, too! Keep up the amazing work!


Some more activities:

If any of you like musicals, Andrew Lloyd Webber has started a YouTube channel where they are playing some of his famous musicals, starting tonight with Joseph’s Technicolour Dreamcoat. You will probably recognise a lot of the music! Find the channel here: https://www.youtube.com/theshowsmustgoon


Some other activities you might like to do over the 2-week break:

  1. Make an Easter card for someone in your family (Google craft ideas for inspiration) or watch this videos for ideas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsE81TzsQg8


  1. Create some Easter bunting- 

Simply Google  different templates to hang up in the house! (Make sure you check you are allowed to print things first)


  1. Create your own Easter Wordsearch or Quiz! If not, have a go at these: https://www.dltk-holidays.com/easter/m-wordsearch.htm



  1. Why not create an Easter egg hunt in your house/back garden. Maybe make a treasure hunt-style map or riddles to help somebody find the eggs?


  1. You could make some food for the birds in your garden, too- or even a hedgehog shelter?


  1. Why not create a poem or prayer- remembering the true meaning of Easter and why we celebrate it?




  1. FINALLY- remember we create a TIME CAPSULE on the last Friday in school? Well you could create your very own- check out the file attached to the bottom of this blog!!


Once I have all of your Mashcam doctor messages in, I will post some of them on here, too, so keep your eyes peeled!


On a final note, I just want to say children how absolutely proud I am of every single one of you for working so hard during this very strange time so far. I cannot tell you how lovely it has been to hear from some of you and to see all of the great things you have been doing! We all miss our school family, but if we keep praying and do as we have all been told, I am sure we will all back very soon!

Stay safe and well!

We can do this!

Miss Davies 😊

P.S. I thought you might like to see a picture of Radley and Dora- so here they are, enjoying lots of extra company this past few weeks:


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