Home Learning Friday 17th July

Date: 11th Jul 2020 @ 6:57pm

Good Morning Year 3.

I can't believe that it is Friday already. I don't know where the week has gone!! Only Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday left to go and then Year 3 is all done and dusted. sad 

Miss Gradwell has written a letter to you all to welcome you to Y4 and to tell you all about life in Y4. I will put it up on the class blog on Monday - so look out for it. 

Next week's work will focus around transition activities to get you ready for Y4, so today's tasks are the last formal activities that I will set you. 

Mathematics: Final day of data handling (statistics) today. I've attached yesterday's workbooklet to the blog, just in case you haven't finished (or started) it. If you have finished these activities, have a go at the Challenge Cards that I've attached or try the following games on Education City - Speedy Pete and Summer Fair. Both games focus on data handling.

Literacy: Friday means reading comprehension day - and like last week, it's a fiction task. The extract today is taken from The Tales of Peter Rabbit. If you don't fancy this story, have a go at the poetry comprehension from Wednesday or the non-fiction text about India on Monday's blog. 


Afternoon Tasks: 

Choose at least one of the tasks from Monday's blog. 


That's it from me today Year 3. Have a lovely weekend and I'll be in touch on Monday.

Take care

Mrs H heart



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