Home Learning Friday 12th June

Date: 11th Jun 2020 @ 5:12pm

Happy Friday everyone.

How are you getting on with the quiz I set you earlier in the week? No-one has messaged me the answers on our Purple Mash Blog, so I'm assuming that you haven't found out all of the answers yet smiley If you have completed the quiz let me know.

Bitesize Daily Learning:

Maths: The maths lesson today teaches you how to read and draw bar charts. All of the activities have a football theme. I have attached a data booklet to the blog in case you would like to complete some more data activities. 

English: Instead of doing the English task today, why not spend time completing the rest of the English work set this week. There are lots of activities to choose from. If you've done these, then have a go at the reading comprehension tasks from earlier in the week. If you've done the reading comprehension task - then you deserve a break - have a well deserved rest yes

Art and Design: Today's lesson explores sculpture. We started to look at sculpture using Antony Gormley's work. This lesson shows you two very different artists at work. One makes sculptures out of dry materials and one makes cake sculptures. - YUMMY cheeky You are then challenged to design and build your own house that reflects who you are. If you do decide to complete the task, take photographs of your designs and email them to me, so that I can share your work  with your class mates. My house would be in the shape of a book as I love to read. It would have chocolate windows and doors as I love chocolate and my bedroom would be painted blue and white as I love these colours together - they look so clean - and my room would be filled with flowers as I love flowers. What would your house look like? What would your bedroom look like?  Share your ideas with me laugh

And finally for today - I've been so impressed by how well the girls are now challenging the boys in Rock Stars (Annabel is now top of the Y3 Leaderboard - well done to you yes) that I've set a BOYS v GIRLS  tournament. It starts today and lasts for a week. Who will win - will it be the boys or will the girls be the victors? I'll keep you updated. 

Have a good weekend everyone. Take care and be good.

I'll speak to you all on Monday

Mrs H



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