Home Learning Day 5

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 9:37am

Good morning Reception smiley

It's Friday...Yayyyyyy! Another sunny day to spend alot of time in the garden. How lucky are we?!

 Did you start your day by joining in a PE lesson with Joe Wicks? I did, I had so much fun jumping like a kangaroo and pretending to be a frog.."RIBBIT".

I know you all love animals in Reception, did you know that from 10am thismorning Chester zoo are inviting you all for a virtual day at the zoo. How exciting! A whole day of animal antics, live in your home.Click on this link and it will take you straight to the zoo- https://www.facebook.com/events/2287733068192442/?active_tab=about. I am going to pack up a picninc for my virtual visit to the zoo, maybe you could pack up a picnic too. I hope I see some Orangutans, they are my favourite animal in the world. What is your favourite animal? Can you draw a picture of it? Can you write a sentence about your favourite animal too? Remember to chop your sentence and count how many words you need to write, this will help you to write a super duper sentence.

All this talk about the zoo has given me a great idea for a song! Do you know a song about going to the zoo? If you are missing singing our songs, you can sing this song with your grown up today.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2FSqxFQlSGk

Have a wonderful day everybody, enjoy your weekend and i will write to you all on Monday.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x