Home Learning Day 5

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 7:31pm

And day 5 arrives! The end of the week and tomorrow is the weekend - a time for relaxing and chilling out and for those of you who have worked hard this week a time to play and have a well deserved rest from your school work. 

The weather has been lovely this week, so I hope that you have been able to spend some time outside. Gardening is a great way to keep fit, so why not help your parents in the garden. 

If you are still unsure about how best to organise your day, have a look at my blog yesterday as it will give you some ideas. Remember that no-one expects you to work hard all day as it is very different learning away from school. All I ask is that you spend some time in the morning and some time in the afternoon completing some of your home school challenges.

AMAZON is offering free children's audiobooks to keep you happy and entertained whilst you are not at school. You can stream and download audiobooks from  Audible https://stories.audible.com/start-listen. The stories are free to download on tablets, phones or your computer whilst school is closed. Why not have a listen and tell me all about the stories that you are listening to. Simply send me a school message using the school's email address.

Finally a big shout out today for Sonny who was my Time Table Rock Star of the day yesterday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care everyone

Mrs Hymers