Home Learning Day 4!

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 6:48pm

Ciao, Year 5!

Day 4 of home learning is now over- have you all had a productive day?

What a beautiful day it has been, too! I hope you have all been enjoying the sunshine?

My morning started with a lovely email to school from Dylan, who sent a picture of himself working out to Joe Wicks- well done, Dylan you made my day!

There are lots of things out there to keep us active, including BBC Supermovers, who have made some educational exercise videos which you could check out:



On another note, a HUUUUGE shout out to the following children who have been logging in to Times Tables Rockstars this week.

Well done to:

Dylan, Sonny, Molly, Maya, Sophia, Jayden, Lily, Libbie-May, Millie, Charlie M, Eleanor, Oliver S, James and Lexie!

You guys are well on your way to being total times tables experts!

The rest of you need to get logging in- they are going to be way ahead of you if you aren’t careful.


Also, don’t forget the diary task I set you on Purple Mash yesterday. It would be really lovely to hear from you all, as I am missing our St Mary’s family, I don’t know about you lot?

Don’t forget to keep those projects going, too. Here are a few useful websites with fun facts about Brazil, for you:







BBC Teach have also got some cool Live Lessons you can watch every day, as well:


Remember to keep reading, completing those Maths and Literacy Booklets, but most importantly keep smiling and stay active!

I’ll be blogging in the morning so stay tuned!

Speak to you tomorrow,

Miss Davies 😊