Home Learning Day 4

Date: 26th Mar 2020 @ 10:08am

Good morning Reception smiley

What another wonderful today to wake up to. The sun is shining and i can hear the birds singing. Spring is definitley here. Can you remember any other signs of spring? Can you spot any signs of spring today and show your grown up?

Have any of you made a rainbow yet? I have! I have drawn a really big rainbow using colourful chalk outside of my house, it looks beautiful.

I hope you are all having lots of fun and keeping active. I have been doing PE with Joe Wicks every morning, it is so much fun. He was pretending to be Spiderman yesterday and it made me think of a lot of children in Reception who love Spiderman. If you missed it yestersay it is still available on youtube for you to watch and join in with. Give it a go, its so much fun!

I can see that alot of you have been teaching your monsters to read! Well done you little clever clogs! I knew you could all do it, i am very proud of you all!

I have found a little activity chart that is filled with fun activities for you try. Ask you grown up to copy and paste this link and will take you straight to it. https://medium.com/pobble/simple-and-fun-non-screen-activities-that-children-can-do-at-home-115543cb3b9c 

Enjoy! I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x