Home Learning Day 3

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 2:20pm

Hola, Year 5!

Welcome to day 3 of home learning! Can you believe it is Wednesday already?

My legs are very sore from my Joe Wicks workout yesterday, so I stuck to taking Radley and Dora out this morning in the beautiful sunshine, and I’m going to do some yoga at home tonight. I hope you have managed to fit in some exercise to your busy working days!?

It is beginning to feel very strange not seeing you all in school, so I thought I would set up a 2do on Purple Mash for you to have a go at. It’s a diary entry, as I thought it would be great to hear about some of the things you have been doing over the past few days! If you can’t wait to tell me about your week so far, go ahead and complete it whenever you want to, or you could wait until Friday to fill me in on your entire 5 days! It would be great to hear from all of you!

I have noticed quite a few of you have been on Times Tables Rockstars already, and many of you have been on Monster Multiplication, too- well done guys!

You should all be on chapter 3 of your Purple Mash reading and chapter reviews now, too, I hope?

I watched a great video about Brazil yesterday, too. Check it out if you want some more help with your projects:


Also, why not have a go at drawing Abacaxi- the sloth from ‘The Explorer’ on this website:


Don’t forget to email school with any work you are particularly proud of and keep us updated.

Keep up the hard work, children.

Remember- stay safe and keep smiling!

Speak to you tomorrow,

Miss Davies :)