Home Learning Day 3

Date: 25th Mar 2020 @ 10:31am

Good morning Reception smiley

Today is Wednesday and what a beautiful and sunny day it is. Can you sing the days of the week song to your grown up? What day will it be tomorrow?

Today looks like the perfect day to spend lots of time outside in our gardens.

Why don't you go on a hunt around your garden and collect some leaves, flowers, sticks and stones. You can use what you find on your hunt to create a collage or a pattern. Can you remember how to make a repeated pattern? Can you count how many flowers you can find? Can you count how many leaves you can find? Are there more floweres than leaves? 

We all love playing in the role play area at school. At lunch time why not set up a cafe. Can you take a lunch time order? Can you write down everything your grown up ask for? Remember to use your robot arms and claps,chomps and stomps to help us sound out words we want to write.

Enjoy your day everybody!

I will write to you all tomorrow.

Take care heart

Mrs Amor x