Home Learning Day 3

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 7:10pm

Good Morning Year 3.

Are you bored yet? Well if you are - there is lots to do! laugh

Remember that we are trying really hard to use our time away from school to learn our times tables and I can see that some of you are spening time each day on TT Rockstars which is great to see.

I can see that some of your response times are getting faster so well done. yes

BUT - I can also see that some of you haven't even signed into Rockstars yet. Please try to do so today as your times tables are so, so, so important. I will start to publish the names of the children in Year 3, who are doing really well on Rockstars, in my daily blog in order to celebrate their achievements. There is a Y3 leaderboard to race to the top  as well as a whole school one. Can you overtake Maizie from Y6 who is the current leader?

For all you Minecraft fans out there, Minecraft has created a brand new Education category (Education Edition). New educational worlds have been created for you to explore.  You can tour the International Space Station; you can find out more about renewable energy and you can explore Greek History – to name but a few of the new worlds. These new worlds are free to download up until June 30th 2020 by launching Minecraft and visiting the in-game store. 

Remember to find time to exercise and remember to read every day.

Speak to you all tomorrow. Take care.

Mrs Hymers