Home Learning Day 2

Date: 24th Mar 2020 @ 5:50pm

Bonjour, Year 5!

I hope day 2 of home learning has gone well!

The children in school started the day with Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga this morning. I hope you are all staying active, too?

Hopefully you are all on chapter 2 of your Purple Mash book today and have completed at least one chapter review!

I have set you a challenge on Times Tables Rockstars, so have a go at it today or tomorrow (especially if you haven’t tried the website yet)- it’s awesome! Plus, I can see all of the amazing progress you are making and keep an eye on who is trying their best!

I also can’t wait to see some of your projects when you come back to school. I hope you are finding out lots of information about brilliant Brazil!

Just a few more bits for you to check out if you want more/ different things to do during the day:

www.thereadingrealm.co.uk has loads of Literacy activities from reading to creative writing and looks amazing!

David Walliams is also doing free audio stories for the next 30 days!: https://www.worldofdavidwalliams.com/elevenses/

Also, for you maths enthusiasts, there are some activities on this website and you can sign up for free!



Keep working hard, guys and remember your breaks!

Keep smiling you lovely lot!

I’ll be in touch again tomorrow,

Miss Davies 😊