Home Learning, Day 1

Date: 23rd Mar 2020 @ 12:40pm




Welcome to Home Learning 


Good Morning Year 1!

Well, the sun is shining and it is a good day to begin your learning from home. smiley Have you had a good breakfast?  Remember, it is always important to start the day with a tummy full of nice, healthy food so that you can learn well.  Also, did you know that there is a special online PE class at 9am every morning on youtube?  It's lead by a man called Jo Wicks - he is a very fit man who wants to have as many children starting their day with a fun work-out!  I am even going to do it with my own children! Tell your parents to simply type in 'PE with Joe Wicks' on google safe search.  It's that easy!  Remember to ask a grown up to help you do it though to keep you safe online.  Oh and make sure you let your breakfast settle in your tummy first! wink

The first thing to tell you is that I have set you a ToDo task on Purple Mash - typing of the High Frequency words - see how many you can get through in the time you are given!  It's a great way to work on the spelling of the high frequency words whilst improving your keyboard skills at the same time. Don't forget to hand it in once you've completed it.  Good luck!

As well as the Purple Mash activity, you have obviously got the work in your packs, along with reading everyday.  You have all made such amazing progress with your reading that you need to keep on with it!  Remember to ask Mummy or Daddy to ask you lots of those 'why' and 'how' questions, to help with your understanding of the story.

As well as your learning that you are doing, don't forget to have lots of fresh air in the back garden (if you have one) and maybe play a fun game with your brother or sister or Mummy or Daddy.  

It will all seem a bit strange at first but will get easier as you get more used to it.  Mrs Duffy and I will be sending you a special message every day - bet you can't wait! yes

So, I'll say cheerio for the moment and will message again tomorrow.

Mrs Taylor x smiley