Home Learning April 1st

Date: 1st Apr 2020 @ 2:10pm

Hello you lovely lot!

I hope you have all had a good morning and are busy doing something exciting!

Remember to keep emailing school with any updates or pictures of what you have been up to. It is really lovely to hear from you all.

Also, thank you to Keeley for her diary entry about baking!

I wonder if anyone else has been baking recently, too?


So, I have set you all few cool activities to complete on Purple Mash:

  1. A mashcam message from a doctor
  2. Fraction/Tetris Wall game- see what level you can get up to!

I have set it for a week, so it would be great to see lots of you trying to complete those over the next few days,

Also, if you want some more information for your Brazil projects, here is a great worksheet with lots of fun facts and games on it to help you. (The answers are with the worksheet, so no peeking!)



You should all be a few chapters into your second Serial Mash books now, hopefully. I hope you are enjoying them.

Don’t forget, there are lots of apps and websites out there offering free e-books/ audiobooks, but if you are a member of St Helens Library, you could always look on there for more books if you want more to read- especially if you are still trying to get hold of ‘The Explorer’.

It’s also a good time to write a poem or a song about how you are feeling. You are all fantastic poem writers (as you proved back in October), and now is a time when we all have lots of emotions running wild and become inspired by things going on around us!

Remember to keep up the Times Tables Rockstars and the other booklets if you run out of other things to do!

Keep up the good work children, I’m sure you are all being amazing!

Speak to you tomorrow!

Miss Davies 😊