Home School- Day 5

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 11:05am

Good Morning lovely Year 2 and “Happy Friday” to you all! It’s Mrs Ryan here. I hope you are all keeping well and have been enjoying the sunshine. J

Mrs Talbot Davies, Mrs OD and I have really missed you all this week and are looking forward to seeing you all again soon.

How has everyone been getting on with their home learning packs? Remember, it’s very important to keep reading every day (we are super readers in Year 2!) and ask your grown up to ask you questions about what has happened in the text. Some examples of questions to ask might include:

Where is the story set? Who is the main character in the story? Can you tell me one fact you have found out in this text? Which part of the story did you like best and why? What do you think will happen next? How do you think the story will end? What does this word mean? What does it tell us about how the character is feeling? Why did the author write this word in capital letters? Who do we meet first in the story? Can you put these sentences into the order they happened in? Can you draw a picture to show what happened in the middle of the story? Can you find words which show how the character feels about what has happened?  

We are very pleased to see that some of you have been practising your times tables on Times Tables Rock stars. Keep this up- good knowledge of your times tables is a strong foundation for all of your maths learning!

I hope you are all enjoying your space themed project work. Before school closed, we were super historians and had carried out lots of research about Neil Armstrong and the Lunar landing of 1969. I have set you a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash which is to write a postcard as if you are Neil Armstrong writing to your family from space. I look forward to seeing how you all get on with this. Remember to click the ‘share' icon so that I can see your work on our Y2 display board. J

Finally, in our Computing lessons, we had been learning about how to search effectively for information using the World Wide Web and had been using search engines to find out information about Neil Armstrong and the Lunar landing. We talked a lot about Internet safety and how to know if a website is secure and reliable.  I have set you an Internet Quiz '2do' on Purple Mash to recap on the main things we covered- have a go and see what you can remember.

I will be in touch again next week. Take care everyone!

Mrs Ryan J