Home Learning - Day 5

Date: 27th Mar 2020 @ 8:13am

Happy Friday

The Fastest Day of the Week!


Well Good Morning Year 1!

Can you believe that it is day 5 of your home learning already?  Of course it is 'Happy Friday' and as we always say in Year 1....the fastest day of the week!

The first thing I want you to think about this morning is anything you have done this week which you are proud of.  It might be a piece of writing, a book you have read, something you have created or even a kind gesture which you have shown someone.  It doesn't really matter what it is; what is important is that you feel proud of it.  Feeling proud is a wonderful feeling and it is something that Mrs Duffy and I feel about all of you, as do your Mummies and Daddies.  So...have a think! enlightened

I was delighted to see yesterday that Tyler and Emmie had managed to share their work to the Y1 display board.  Well done indeed to the both of you.  It is a fanatastic way of looking at all the wonderful work you are doing.  I am going to list below some step-by-step instructions to help the rest of you to share your work:

Step 1: Save your work by clicking on the drop down box at the side of the page and choosing the Save icon.  Give it a name also.

Step 2: Click the icon to share the project - this is an earth icon.]

Step 3: Select the Y1 display board that you'd like to publish the project to and click OK in the confirmation window.

This will immediately share the work to the selected display board.

I am setting a couple of new ToDo's today in Purple Mash so have a go at sharing them!

I am going to sign off now as I need to get my own girls up and moving as we are meeting Joe Wicks at 9am for his Youtube PE lesson! wink Maybe you'll be doing the same.

Enjoy your happy Friday Y1 and have a wonderful weekend with your lovely families and I'll blog again on Monday morning.  

Take care and stay safe. yes

Mrs Taylor x smiley